Sunday, December 4, 2011

In Class Activity: Footprinting

In this activity, we left a footprint in a tub of soil provided and observed the characteristics of our impression. Almost like real forensic analysts, we recorded  crime scene data such as weather information, time, date, location, and direction of the footprint. Then we also recorded properties of the print such as the length and width of the shoe impression, as well as any visible characteristics such as the ridges or flatness. We were soon able to determine the gender and size of the person leaving the print due to the depth of the imprint. For example, males generally leave a deeper print because of their size and have a larger print because they usually have larger feet than women. Also, men and women tend to wear different shoes, for instance, some men wear boots and some women wear heels.With this lab we were able to visualize and apply the techniques used by real crime scene investigators in recording and narrowing the possible suspects by foot impressions that they could have left at a crime scene. 

1 comment:

  1. Good information and analysis, I would add you results such as how long your foot was, etc.
